Managing Others Is An Art Of The Conscience!

Reviewed in the United States on May 3, 2023

Mastering the Art of Management: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Leadership Skills and Achieving Success as a Manager, by Samuel Valme Sr., Ph.D. – Supervisory Educational Services Specialist – U.S. Department of the Treasury

The contents of this book captured my attention from the start, and it instantaneously provided details that connect art to management via three shared attributes [of art and management]: 1) understanding the job/craft; 2) having a vision; and 3) communicating with excellence. So, on a small pad, I scribbled my newly created heading, “MAM” (aka, managers’ art mastery), as I also proceeded to jot down notes about the book’s contents. MAM had come to mind, not solely because the book is about mastering an art, but because implicitly it is about art as a necessary ingredient in the conscience of great managers who become great leaders.

Just like Valme emphasizes in the first chapters of MAM, managing is about self-awareness, self-reflection, self-motivation, self-regulation, emotional intelligence (understanding the emotions of others), strategic thinking, decision-making, time management, encouragement of diversity, adapting to change, professional training, referencing others, and so much more… In addition to all of those attributes, “MAM” is a reminder of Valme’s genteel mannerisms, as a former president of the City of Stockbridge Community Association. On the other hand, it’s a reminder of his audacity at the time in successfully advocating for more transparency in local government.

MAM is an excellent resource for managers and leaders, and I will recommend it to others. Hopefully, Valme will write more books on this topic and include in-depth examples of the art of managing in political organizations, governments, and churches, where people and situations beyond the manager’s control must be factored into the art.

Rajaul Karim

Practical Management skills

Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2023

The book Mastering The Art of Management by Samuel Valme, Ph.D. provides a comprehensive guide for managers on the essential skills, attributes, and tools needed for success in their role. It is divided into several chapters, each focusing on a specific topic related to management, including self-awareness and emotional intelligence, communication, motivation, setting objectives, and developing strategies.

The first portion of the book provides an introduction to the term and designation “Manager”, highlights the importance of the skills in the management field, and provides practical strategies and techniques for developing and enhancing them. The book emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, self-regulation, self-motivation, emotional awareness, empathy, emotional regulation, and social skills. By improving these skills, managers can build strong relationships, lead teams effectively, and make better decisions.

The chapter on communication is an in-depth discussion of the importance of effective communication in the workplace. It provides practical strategies for improving communication skills, overcoming challenges, and building strong relationships with team members and other stakeholders. The chapter highlights the importance of active listening, setting clear expectations, giving constructive feedback, and communicating effectively.

The book’s more in-depth sections strongly emphasize the value of inspiration and motivation in the workplace. It offers useful advice on how to establish clear objectives and goals, appreciates and reward team members, encourage cooperation and innovation, and use emotional intelligence to connect with team members and comprehend their needs.

The book depicts a variety of tools and techniques that managers can use to achieve success. It highlights the importance of setting specific, measurable, and achievable goals, developing and implementing action plans, measuring and evaluating progress, being open to new ideas and perspectives, and being willing to take calculated risks.

I admired the author’s use of concrete examples to illustrate how managers can constantly advance their abilities and knowledge, such as seeking feedback, taking courses or attending workshops, reading and researching, mentoring or being mentored, attending conferences or networking events, setting goals and tracking progress, collaborating with others, and embracing challenges.

Overall, this book provides an insightful and practical guide for managers on the essential skills, attributes, and tools needed to succeed. It is well-organized, easy to read, and provides practical strategies and techniques that can be easily applied in the workplace. It is a highly recommended read for new and experienced managers looking to improve their skills and drive their teams to success.